+39 0733 216231


Refined style. Timeless grace. Contemporary elegance. Infinite refinement.

Refined style

A powerful, extremely geometric structure.
Surprising in its simplicity. Emma contains nuances of style that are expressed in materials, finishes and combinations. It shows unadorned in its horizontal composition, to conceal incredible details within it.

Timeless grace

Clear spaces, warm surfaces, joined together by the common thread of brass finishes. Straight lines that are able to give movement to the space. Sink and oven, one in front of the other, as in a game of looks. Emma becomes a timeless dream for you, simple, refined and sophisticated. Touches of modernity with a vintage feel.

Contemporary elegance

Notes of black, shadows and depth shape a modern style kitchen. The dark surfaces of the wall units frame the wood of the peninsula, the center of the whole space. Emma is the ideal for you who live in search of elegance and beauty at all times. It is a moving picture.

Infinite refinement

Light that invades the space, geometric sections edged with bright details. It is the brass that characterizes the frontal composition of Emma, enriching and enhancing a minimalist kitchen. Designed for you, your details become your strength.
